Welcome to our blog series #MyHustl with, where each month we will feature a community member to find out more about their journey, how they like to train and for a special insight into their world. The community makes HUSTL. what it is and you all truly mean the world to me, so I am excited to share an insight into the incredible individuals that make up this strong, beautiful and inspiring community.
I love you, Alexz. xo
Meet Amanda, online HUSTL. member and Total Strength Define Challenge Winner. 

Tell us a little about yourself & your fitness journey.
I am a 37 year old nurse and Mum to 3 very busy boys. I have 6 year old identical twin boys and a 2 year old son.

My boys keep me very busy with work, drop off, pick up, sports and naps. It means that some days are such a blur. However, I wouldn’t change it for anything, this is where my fitness journey began.

I had never been an exercise/gym lover, but after I had my twins life was very routine and very sleep deprived. Exercise was not even on my radar but with all the stress of being a new mum and to two babies I needed to do something that wouldn’t just be changing a nappy or getting the boys to sleep. I needed to look after me, I needed some self-care.

So, I joined a group fitness gym and fell in love with HIIT training. I spent many years at the group fitness gym where my boys would cheer me on and sometimes be my added weights while working out. I noticed a dramatic change in my mental health at this time, I felt better mentally and physically and was able to be a better mum and partner to my husband.

When COVID hit my training went to online, live stream workouts become the new thing and I was the fittest id been. I then fell pregnant and trained throughout but towards the end needed to rest.

After my third son was born, I gave myself some time to recover. At the time my husband was using an online app and I decided to try one of Alexz classes. I couldn’t believe the burn I could get from a HILT workout.  After following Alexz online I discovered her platform and was keen for a change of pace but with the added bonus of some HIIT classes. Since then, I have not looked back and tell everyone and anyone about Hustl and how amazing it is.

The Hustl vibe is what keeps me coming back for more, all the trainers are happy, vibrant and so down to earth and real. They just make you want to be the same.

Congratulations on winning the Total Strength Define challenge, how did you feel when you found out the news?
I was totally shocked. I had just finished a sculpt class online with Chelsea while my whole house was asleep. When I finished the class, I looked at Facebook and saw my name tagged in a post and was like “What……no way!” I then proceeded to happy dance around my lounge room and all day I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. 

What did you enjoy most about the challenge? / Did you have any hurdles to overcome?
Loved the weights in this challenge, I hadn’t done heavier weight since I was at the group fitness gym. It felt good to challenge myself with the heavier weights and push my body. I felt stronger with every class. 

I was pretty sore the first week, but had set myself a goal this challenge to incorporate a walk at least 3 times a week to help with stretching out my sore muscles. 

The dynamic duo of Em and Alexz was refreshing and made the challenge. I looked forward to seeing what they had in store for me and how they were going to make me laugh while also crying in pain.

One piece of advice you would share with the community?
You only get one life, live it doing the things you love and the things that make you happy. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff, and always remember self-care saves.

How will you be spending your prize money?
I am planning a spa day to treat myself, some new active wear and maybe a new pair of winter boots. 

Thank you very much.



  • Meagan said:

    Amanda you are the reason I have chosen to take this journey. Such an inspiration with a positive attitude and mind.

    July 17, 2023

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