Having troubles with the Spotify playlist?
In order to play our suggested Spotify playlist in the background of the workout, please follow the below steps:
1. Hit the MENU button on the top left of the home screen and follow the below pathway:
ACCOUNT > Enable 'Allow Background Audio From Other Apps'
2. Return to your chosen workout, scroll down to the preview of the Spotify playlist and click the small Spotify icon in the top right corner. OR the GET SPOTIFY button if that is what your screen is showing.
3. This will automatically open the playlist in a new window via Spotify app (or web player if you do not have the Spotify app)
4. Click play and you can return to the HUSTL. app and commence your workout.
How to favourite & download workouts?
Gain easy access to your most loved classes by hitting the 'Favourite' star icon located above the class description, or hit 'Download' to access your class for when you want to workout without WIFI.
Where to find my favourited workouts & recipes?
Find all of your favourited & downloaded workouts & recipes via the main menu which is accessible through clicking the hamburger icon on the homepage.
How to schedule a workout & recipe?
Browse through our varied selection of workouts & recipes and
schedule them according to your desired time frame. This is a perfect
tool to help you stay motivated and on track.
Simply click on the 'Schedule' (1) icon above the description box and
assign your class & recipe to a specific day & time.
Alternatively, when browsing through the libraries, you can click on the
three dots next to the class/recipe name (2) and opt to add the item
to either your 'Favourites' so you can come back to it at a later date,
or you can schedule them directly via this method too.
How to use the calendar?
The calendar saves you time & effort by scheduling suggested daily
workouts from Monday through to Sunday each week. The weekly
schedule has been carefully curated to ensure the week is full of
varied classes, targeting a range of areas.
Along with pre-scheduled classes, you will also find a daily quote to
help keep you motivated & inspired.
For those that are taking part in an online challenge, your workout
classes will also be scheduled for you daily thorought the duration of
the challenge.
How do I use the search & filter functions?
Find your favourite master trainer, work on specific goals & tailor your classes to your pre and postnatal journey with our search & filter functions. Simply hit the search icon in the top right hand corner of the homepage and enter in your desired form of training.
With 100+ workouts available, you may want to filter through the options, depending on your individual requirements. Click the 'Filter' button and you will have the ability to specify the: Time, Style, Goal, Focus, Equipment & Trainer.
How do I mark my class & recipe as complete?
Once you have successfully completed a workout or recipe, simply click the 'Complete' icon above the class description and this will automatically add to your personal results tally, which can be found on your Profile page, under 'Account'.
How do I play music and listen to the video sound at the same time?
Whether you are listening to one of our suggested Spotify playlists, or
music of your own choosing, you have the ability to listen to both
music and the sound from the workout at the same time.
On the main menu, under 'Account', ensure that the below setting is turned on:
"Allow background audio from other apps"
And you are good to get grooving.
What do the class icons mean?
On every class thumbnail, we have added icons to help you gain a quick understanding on the modality of training style and the duration of the workout.
Please note, the time duration that is displayed, does not include the suggested stretch that is featured at the end of the workouts.
How do I manage my subscription?
To my manage your online subscription, please visit the 'Support' page which can be found on the main menu, via the homepage.