HUSTL. members, meet your newest trainer! Chelsea Forbes has recently joined our Gold Coast studio, teaching all class styles including our new Friday night FORM class BLACKOUT, so you may already have met her.

When training with Chels, you know you'll always leave her classes dripping in sweat but feeling amazing after the endorphin boost. Read on to learn more about your new trainer (and find out a few things you may not have known about her!).

  1. Describe yourself in 3 words:

Full. Of. Surprises.


  1. Where is your favourite place in the world/where would you most like to travel to?

It's a big world out there, and so many places I can’t wait to see. I feel as though I haven’t found my favourite place just yet - even though I’ve been lucky enough to see some magical places so far!

I would usually opt for an island getaway without a doubt - but as of late I’ve been craving a balmy night in the streets of Spain. Getting lost, trying new foods, soaking up the culture & dozing on the sand. Plus dance on a table or two.


  1. What's your fitness background?

Movement will always be a huge part of my life, and I’ve being heavily involved in movement for as long as I can remember! If we throw it back to younger days I danced for many years, which definitely has an influence on my teaching style today.

Instructing has always been a vision & a given that I would do at some point. When you are in my class I want you to feel strong & supported - as well as understand the movements we are doing (even though you are thinking wtf).

Outside of pilates I love HIIT, boxing & strength training, which you will absolutely find in my classes…. And when you leave - well I want you glowing & dripping - hello endorphins!


  1. What do you love most about HUSTL.?

All the incredible & inspiring people who make the Hustl world go round. Every single interaction is raw & real - I felt this even before I stepped into the doors and I am so ridiculously grateful I am now a part of the family.


  1. What are 3 things you can't live without?

Ocean dips, Almond Cappuccinos & Good music.


  1. What's your favourite HUSTL. style workout, FORM or PACE?

Toughy! I’d have to say Form - sneakily the highest dose of spice. You never know what’s coming next & we love to throw in a little surprise movement leaving you with the shakes all the way back to the car.


  1. What keeps you motivated? 

"Think about how good you feel after" - I live by this! This applies to both physical & mental - I have a few things I know fill me up on days when I’m just not feeling it. It seems in the moment the hardest task but I remind myself how good I will feel afterwards, even if it's just a little bit. To be completely honest it’s not even about having the ‘motivation’, it's about getting to know yourself and what gets you up on days the sun isn’t shining as bright.


  1. Where can we find you on the weekend?

Every weekend is a little different! I’m lucky enough to be in industries that are super flexible with my lifestyle, where I’m never holding out for the weekend. But to sum up … good people, good food & good vibes - at the same time I do like to take a moment to reset & recharge however I like.

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